The AASR held its biennial conference at Legon, Accra, Ghana, University of Ghana from 26-29 July 2016. The Theme was: Religion, Sexuality, and Identity in Africa and the African Diaspora. Photo credits to Corey Williams and Tekini Tokunbo.

University of Ghana Library

Opening session with the President of the AASR, Elias Bongmba

Opening of the conference with music and dancing

Opening of the conference with music and dancing

Opening of the conference with music and dancing

Plenary session

Plenary session

Papers session

Papers session

Papers session

Lunch in the beautiful pavillions

Day tour of the Castles

Day tour of the Castles

Day tour of the Castles

Closing session with the General Secretary, Corey Wiliams, former General Secretary, Afe Adogame, and Treasurer, Abel Ugba

Group photo