37th ASRSA congress, University of Johannesburg, 26-28 October 2015: Call for Papaers


The Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA) in collaboration with the Department of Religion Studies at the University of Johannesburg is pleased to announce the “Call for Submissions” for the 37th ASRSA Congress. This year’s congress will be held at the University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus. The theme identified for this year’s congress is “Religious Violence and / or Violence in the Name of Religion”.

PDF: (ASRSA 2015 Call for Papers+27)

For further information please contact:
Denzil Chetty (ASRSA Secretary)
Email: chettd@unisa.ac.za
Tel: (+27) 012 429 4055 (office hours) / 074 182 5099

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