AASR e-Journal
Guidelines for Reviewers
The review of a book is preceded by its full bibliographic details: author’s full name, Main title: Subtitle. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication, number of pages, ISBN number (hbk [hardback]) or (pbk [paperback]), price, (= series, volume number). Likewise for an edited volume: Editorʼs full name (ed.), Main title: Subtitle, etc.
We will, of course, check the bibliographic details and supplement missing elements before the review is actually published.
The review itself should preferably be ordered with the help of four key words:
context, content, appreciation, and re¬com¬men¬dation.
Context briefly states the wider disciplinary, thematic, regional, analytical or theoretical setting to which the book reviewed makes a contribution. 50 to at most 100 words.
Content constitutes the body of a review. The reviewer presents a fair and balanced summary of the book in a manner that shows that she/he has read and examined book closely. Its main ar¬gument, or other contribution to a particular field of scholarship, is detailed, as well as how the author has developed and structured it, and how the book is structured. 400 to at most 800 words.
Appreciation: the reviewer presents a fair, but critical appreciation of the con¬tri¬bu¬tion the book has made to this particular field of scholarship, meeting out praise where and when praise is due, and criticisms, minor or major, when the reviewer has solid grounds for a different analysis or view. If despite some criticisms, the overall appreciation is positive, this should be indicated. 50 to at most 150 words.
Recommendation: the reviewer briefly indicates the scholarly readership that may benefit from reading the book. 20 to at most 50 words.
Total size of review: between 600 and 1200 words.
Review time: six to at most nine months. A reminder will be sent after six months.