AAR Annual Meeting Travel Grants

Open for Applications
Annual Meeting Travel Grants

This year, the AAR will award 25 travel grants ($500 + complimentary registration) to members who demonstrate financial need and a desire to participate in the 2020 AAR Annual Meeting in Boston.

Deadline to apply: April 15 at 5:00PM EDT

Learn more about the Annual Meeting Travel Grants Program, or submit an application.

Annual Meeting Religion and the Arts Travel Grant

Through the generosity of Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, the AAR will award a travel grant (up to $1,500) to a graduate student studying Religion and the Arts who is without institutional support to attend the 2020 AAR Annual Meeting in Boston.

Deadline to apply: April 15 at 5:00PM EDT

Learn more about the Annual Meeting Religion and the Arts Travel Grant Program, or submit an application.

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