Issue 5.1 (August 2019) of the AASR e-Journal has been published
I am pleased to announce that a Special Issue of the AASR e-Journal on Christianity and Social Change in Contemporary Africa is now available. It has been Guest Edited by Francis B. Nyamnjoh and Joel A. Carpenter and includes an extensive introduction and 7 original articles.
Click on Issue 5.1 (August 2019) to download and view the new issue.
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note by Afe Adogame
Introduction: Christianity and Social Change in Contemporary Africa by Francis B. Nyamnjoh and Joel A. Carpenter
Women Without Limits and Limited Women: Pentecostal Women Navigating Between Empowerment and Disempowerment in Kenya by Damaris Parsitau
Religious Collaboration Enhances Patient Satisfaction Among Faith-Based Groups and Health Facilities in Western Kenya by Mary N. Getui, Nema C. Aluku, and William T. Story
Is Contemporary Christianity Promoting or Hindering Mental Health in Africa? An Exploration of the Impact of Charismatic Church Activities and Doctrines on the Mental Well-Being of Selected Ghanaian Congregants by Joana Salifu Yendork, Lily Kpobi, and Elizabeth Anokyewaa Sarfo
New Imaginations of Youth Agency: Boko Haram and the Innovative Gospel of Terror in Nigeria by Edlyne E. Anugwom
“Battling for Souls: Contesting for Space?” African Traditional Religions and Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe by Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga
Religious Innovation and Competition Amidst Urban Social Change: Pretoria Case Study by Stephan de Beer and R. Drew Smith
“When Are You Going to Change Those Stones to Phones?” Social Media Appropriation by Pentecostal Churches in Cape Town by Henrietta M. Nyamnjoh
For previous journal issues and information about submitting your own original articles or book reviews, go to the AASR e-Journal Website.
Call for Papers: Fourth Joint Conference

The AASR will be one of the participating societies at the Fourth Joint Conference of Academic Societies in the Fields of Religion and Theology, hosted at the University of the Western Cape from 29 June – 3 July 2020. In addition to our President, Elias Bongmba, being one of the keynote speakers, the AASR will be organizing several panels related to the general conference theme: Religion and Theology in Africa: Trends, Theories and Trans-Disciplinarity.
If you have a paper you would like to propose, please email Elias Bongmba (bongmba@rice.edu) with a title and a max. 150-word abstract. For panel proposals, please send a panel title and abstract, along with titles and 150-word abstracts for each paper in the panel. The deadline for proposals is 17 January 2020. For more information, download the conference flyer below.
AASR Zambia Conference: Early Bird Registration Extended
Dear Colleagues,
This is just a quick note to let you know that the ‘early bird’ registration deadline for the upcoming AASR Conference in Lusaka, Zambia has been extended to 15 June 2018. There will be no further extensions granted, so be sure to register by this date to get the ‘early bird’ rate. For further details, see the conference website.
See you in Lusaka!
Corey L. Williams
AASR General Secretary
ASC Leiden Visiting Fellowship Programme
The ASC Leiden hosts visiting research fellows in the framework of the Leiden African Studies Assembly (Leiden ASA), a network for cooperation between Leiden based Africanists. Visiting research fellows use their time in Leiden for data analysis and/or writing, often on a joint project with one or more ASCL staff members and with Africanists at other institutes or faculties of Leiden University. A visiting research fellowship is for a maximum of 90 days.
How to apply
Currently, there is an open call for applications for a 90-day fellowship for the period September-October-November 2018. The text of the call and the application form can be found here.
Please complete the application form and send it, together with all required additional documents, to: LeidenASA@asc.leidenuniv.nl Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Applications must be submitted in English. However, Visiting Research Fellows may pursue their research in any language(s) of their choice, in agreement with their ASCL/Leiden University counterparts. The deadline for application is 31 March 2018.
For more information, see the website.
Dr. Adogame Appointed Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University
Dr. Afeosemime “Afe” Adogame, the Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Christianity and Society at Princeton Theological Seminary, has been appointed Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University for the next three years. This honorary position is awarded to select individuals in recognition of their proven specialized experience and eminence in their profession and field of study.
A member of Princeton Theological Seminary’s History & Ecumenics department, Dr. Adogame’s teaching and research focus on the new dynamics of religious experiences and expressions in Africa and the African Diaspora. In particular, he is interested in African Christianities and new indigenous religious movements, and the relationships between religion and migration, globalization, the economy, politics, media, and civil society.
Dr. Adogame has authored and edited numerous published works related to these subject matters, including 2014’s The Public Face of African New Religious Movements in Diaspora: Imagining the Religious ‘Other’. He played an instrumental role in the Seminary’s Currents, Perspectives, and Methodologies in World Christianity conference in January 2018.
Regarding his appointment, Dr. Adogame says, “I am deeply humbled to be recognized and appointed as Professor Extraordinary by Stellenbosch University. Princeton Seminary and Stellenbosch share a commitment to preparing engaged global citizens and responsible leaders for today and tomorrow, leaders poised to use their expertise to serve the ‘world church’ and society. I am delighted to identify with this pathway toward cementing cooperation, collaboration, and reputation as world-class institutions.”
The AASR sends many congratulations to Afe on this well-deserved appointment!