37th ASRSA congress, University of Johannesburg, 26-28 October 2015: Call for Papaers


The Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA) in collaboration with the Department of Religion Studies at the University of Johannesburg is pleased to announce the “Call for Submissions” for the 37th ASRSA Congress. This year’s congress will be held at the University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus. The theme identified for this year’s congress is “Religious Violence and / or Violence in the Name of Religion”.

PDF: (ASRSA 2015 Call for Papers+27)

For further information please contact:
Denzil Chetty (ASRSA Secretary)
Email: chettd@unisa.ac.za
Tel: (+27) 012 429 4055 (office hours) / 074 182 5099

Assistant Professor of Religion (Islam), Vassar College, NY, USA


VASSAR COLLEGE, Department of Religion, seeks applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor (to begin Fall 2016) specializing in Islam. The area of specialization within Islam is open, and we would especially welcome a candidate whose research or teaching addresses issues of gender and/or sexuality. We also seek a candidate whose theoretical and methodological approaches complement those of other faculty in the department.

Deadline: October 9, 2015

A fulltime salaried PhD position: Secularism, religion and ‘tradition’ in Dutch sexual health approaches, Groningen University/ Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain


A fulltime salaried PhD position: Secularism, religion and ‘tradition’ in Dutch sexual health approaches, based at the department of comparative religion, Groningen University/ Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain. It is one of two 2 fulltime salaried PhD positions in the program “Sexuality, Religion and Secularism. Cultural encounters in the African Diaspora and the Netherlands”, carried out in cooperation between Groningen University and the University of Amsterdam, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

Deadline for applications for both positions: October 5, 2015

For more information on the positions and how to apply, follow the hyperlinks above. Application is only possible via the respective websites, applications via e-mail are not admissible. For more information about the research program, contact k.e.knibbe@rug.nl

ACLS African Humanities Prograam: Competition for dissertation completion fellowships and early career postdoctoral fellowships 2015-2016


ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies) announces competition for dissertation completion fellowships in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda, and early career postdoctoral fellowships in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa.

Application Deadline: 2 November 2015
Application forms and instructions for the 2015-2016 competition are available at www.acls.org/programs/ahp or may be requested by email at ahp@acls.org.

Christianity and Social Sciences in Contemporary Africa: Call for applications for research grants


With generous support from the John Templeton Foundation, the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, announces two research grants programs.

One grants program will feature African theologians and the other will center on the continent’s social sciences. These programs’ researchers will focus on African Christianity, one of the most dynamic forces in Africa today. The grants for theologians will address how African modes of spirituality shape African Christianity today and how African values and virtues are embedded within a Christian context. The program for social scientists addresses contemporary African Christianity as a social force, focusing on its innovative and competitive character.

If you have any further questions about this program, kindly contact us via nagel@calvin.edu

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