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The Editor Prof. JA Smit, University of KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa, would like to invite you to submit an article for consideration in the Journal for the Study of Religion (JSR) 2014. JSR is an accredited journal and the official journal of the Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA). The theme explored in this issue is:

“Emerging Trends and Trajectories in the Study of Religion”

36th ASRSA Annual Congress, 27-29 August 2014, Potchefstroom, South Africa

This is the Call for Papers (CFP) for the 36th Annual Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA) Congress. This year the congress will take place at North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) from 27-29 August 2014. The theme for this year is “Religious Freedom and Human Rights: Law, Education and Civil Society”.

Note that the closing date for abstract submission is 1 July 2014.

You will also find included in the CFP important information regarding registration as well as a list of possible accommodation venues.

Jim Cox: Nonreligion among Australian Aboriginals

Most interest in nonreligion and secularity is focused on the West and its dominant cultures; it is argued, in fact, that such concepts have limited meaning in any other settings. Launching the Non-religion among Australian Aboriginal Peoples series</strong>, James Cox challenges this view, arguing that much can be learned by taking nonreligion as the starting point in research with other populations — Australian Aboriginals, in the case of his own work.

Nonreligion & Secularity blog

Nonreligion & Secularity Blog for those AASR members who wish to follow the rapid developments in the academic study of Nonreligion & Secularity about the rapid increase of the numbers of ‘nones’ (who have parted with religion in their private lives), agnostics and atheists of various kinds in (so far mainly) North-West Europe and North America.

The Pentecostalisation of Public Spheres, Leeds, UK, 14 March 2014

The Pentecostalisation of Public Spheres
Religion & Society @Leeds Research Day
14 March 2014, Fairbairn House, Main Building Upper Chapel

Pentecostalism, an umbrella term for rapidly growing charismatic movements in global Christianity, is often argued to be a public religion par excellence. It refuses to accept the marginal and privatised role which theories of modernity as well as of secularisation use to reserve for religion. Pentecostal Christianity manifests itself publicly, engages with social and political issues, and in the meantime reshapes the public and political sphere by its dualist religious epistemology in which the world is the scene of a spiritual battle between God and the Devil. This Religion & Society @Leeds Research Day explores these religious dynamics, discussing case studies in a variety of African and Chinese contexts.

From 9:15 : Coffee & tea
9:45–10:00 Emma Tomalin & Adriaan van Klinken: Welcome and opening

10:00–12:45 Pentecostalism and Kenya’s 2013 election
Gregory Deacon (University of Oxford): The Jubilee Campaign and Kenya’s Born Again Election 2013

Damaris Parsitau (Egerton University, Kenya): A Sinful Nation, Wretched Souls, a Wrathful God and a Strange Prophet? The Ministry of Repentance and Holiness in Kenya

Jörg Haustein (SOAS, University of London): Pentecostalism vis-à-vis the state: Ethiopia and China
Ethiopian Religious Politics and the Rise of Pentecostalism

Lap Yan Kung (Chinese University of Hong Kong): Redefining the Private and Public: Pentecostalism in China

12:45–13:45 Lunch

13:45–15:45 Pentecostalism, nationalism and society
Tobias Brander (Chinese University of Hong Kong)Pentecostalism in the Chinese Context: Between Counterculturalism and Adaptation

Afe Adogame (University of Edinburgh): African Pentecostalism, Civic Role and Social Capital Engineering

Barbara Bompani (University of Edinburgh): Transforming the Nation: Pentecostalism and the Public Sphere in Uganda

Venue: Fairbairn House, 71-75 Clarendon Road, LS2 9PH LEEDS
Contact: Dr Adriaan van Klinken,
Please confirm your attendance by email.

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