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Afe Adogame’s Inaugural Lecture


Afe Adogame’s Inaugural Lecture,“Mapping African Christianities within Religious Maps of the Universe”, delivered Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lecturer: Dr. Afeosemime Adogame, Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Christianity and Society, Princeton Theological Seminary

For pictures of the inaugural ritual, visit


Religion, Gender and Sexualities One-Day Conference


Religion, Gender and Sexualities One-Day Conference, Friday 1st July 2016, 10.00-16.30, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Deadline for abstracts: May 27th 2016. Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Dr Sarah-Jane Page ( and Dr Katy Pilcher (

Assistant professor Religious Studies (1,0 FTE), Utrecht University


Job description
The position is attached to the subject area Religious Studies within the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University. The subject area Religious Studies offers a dynamic, research-oriented context with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and curriculum development. Research and teaching in Religious Studies at UU is carried out in collaboration with the subject area Islam and Arabic, as well as with other programs within the Faculty of Humanities and beyond.

Candidates are expected to be versatile in both Dutch and English; non Dutch-speaking candidates will need to be proficient in the Dutch language within two years.The application deadline is 11/03/2016

Or download PDF

CfP AAR Sociology of Religion Group, San Antonio, Texas, USA, November 19-22, 2016


The AAR Sociology of Religion Group serves as a bridge between religious studies and the subdiscipline of sociology of religion. It functions as a two-way conduit not only to import sociological research into religious studies but also to export the research of religious studies into both the subdiscipline and the broader field of sociology.

Critics of sociology of religion have pointed out that the field is dominated by North Americans scholars primarily interested in Protestantism. The discipline of religious studies provides a clear antidote to these perceived limitations. Therefore, we encourage contributions from academics who study the various religious traditions around the world as well as those studying North American religious communities. In particular, we would like submissions from scholars from all academic ranks across the lines of nationality, region, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

The Sociology of Religion Group (SOR) invites both panel and paper proposals across a wide range of topics of interest to both the sociology of religion and religious studies and are particularly interested in papers, which speak to both thereby encouraging increased dialogue between them.

Pentecostalism and Its Encounters with Other Religions: CfP, 9th GloPent Conferenc, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 10-11 June 2016


This 9th GloPent conference will explore these various spaces of negotiation and confrontation in the encounter between Pentecostal movements and other religious traditions, especially in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Offering four keynotes from the vantage points of sociology, the study of religion, and theology, we invite scholars to contribute additional papers from different disciplinary perspectives and regions – enabling a broad and thorough discussion of our conference theme.

Please send your title and a 150-200 word abstract to by Friday, 15 January 2016. Selections will be confirmed latest by 15 February.  For questions concerning the conference, please contact the conference organizer, Julia Kuhlin, at using “GloPent” in the subject line.

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