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PhD Scholarships: African Diaspora & Pentecostalism (Australia)

Dear colleagues,

We are offering 2 PhD scholarships (1 based in Sydney and 1 in Perth) as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project: “The African Diaspora and Pentecostalism in Australia: New Perspectives on Materiality, Media and Religion.”

This project investigates the new African Diaspora in Australia and its embrace of Pentecostalism, particularly after arrival. The African community in Australia has often been associated with poor settlement outcomes, and has also been on the receiving end of a racialised moral panic. The project aims: to understand the range of challenges African-Australian communities faces; to determine why so many of their members join Pentecostal churches; to investigate how Pentecostal churches support these communities’ translocal and transnational mobility and sense of belonging, and; to contribute to policy efforts to improve outcomes for African new arrivals in Australia.

Within this larger project, the PhD candidates will conduct ethnographic research with Pentecostal churches in Australia, and with African Diasporas in the country. Both projects will investigate questions such as: how do Pentecostal churches support/hinder processes of settlement and ‘integration’? How do some Pentecostal megachurches generate transnational religious fields – ones which may harness resources from branches elsewhere in the world? And what impact does all of this have on Australian cities’ post-secular social landscapes?

We welcome applicants from a range of backgrounds: anthropology, sociology, religious studies, African studies, Migration studies or a related field. In particular, the project is suitable for candidates with strong interests in the intersections of migration and religion. Applications from students of African heritage are especially welcomed.

Deadline: 30 June 2019

For more details, see

1.  Religion and Society Research Centre, School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Western Sydney University, Sydney

2.  School of Social Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth

Prof Cristina Rocha
Director of Religion and Society Research Cluster |School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Western Sydney University
President: Australian Association for the Study of Religion
Editor: Journal of Global Buddhism
Editor: Religion in the Americas series, Brill
Latest book: John of God: The Globalization of Brazilian Faith Healing (OUP, 2017)

Letter from AASR Treasurer, Abel Ugba

Dear AASR Members,

I hope this mail finds you well. I am writing to remind you to pay your annual membership fee (2019 and 2020), and to confirm the two main ways you can make payments. I would also like to remind you of the payment requirements.

Member Fees:

  • The annual fee for members in North America, Europe and the global North is US$60.
  • The fee for members in Africa and the global South is US$30.
  • Students, retired academics and the unwaged will pay 50% of the fees that have been approved for the country or region where they are based.

OPTION 1: Payment into AASR Bank Account: You can pay directly into the AASR’s bank account, using the following details:

African Association for the Study of Religions
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Address: The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 1YZ
Branch Code: 80-20-00
Account No: 00208442
IBAN: GB05 BOFS 8020 0000 2084 42

OPTION 2: Payment via PayPal: You can pay into our PayPal account:

Please contact the AASR Treasurer, Abel Ugba (, if for technical or other reasons you are not able to pay into the bank account or through PayPal.

Deregistration of defaulters: The resolution that we adopted in Kenya in 2012 called for the de-registration of non-paying members. In line with this resolution, members who still haven’t paid their fee by August 1st will be sent a notice of de-registration at the end of August 2019.

National representatives who have collected annual fees from members in the past year or two should pay all monies into the account and send an updated list of payers to the Treasurer to prevent wrongful de-registrations.

As planning for our 2020 Conference in Senegal has started in earnest, your financial support is needed more than ever. I thank you all for your continued support for the AASR.

Abel Ugba
AASR Treasurer

IAHR e-Bulletin Supplement Feb 2019

AASR colleagues, please note the following communication from IAHR Acting Secretary General, Satoko Fujiwara regarding  the IAHR e-Bulletin Supplement. We’re especially delighted to note that one of our AASR founding members, Professor Gerrie ter Haar (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), has been honoured with an IAHR Honorary Lifetime Membership! Congratulations, Gerrie! Check the bulletin for further details.
Dear Colleagues,
[…] I am pleased to send you the IAHR e-Bulletin Supplement, February 2019 with the latest news. It includes the “Minutes of the IAHR International Committee Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, June 19, 2018,” information on the upcoming IAHR World Congress and Conferences, a call for suggestions as to matters to be discussed for the future of the IAHR, and some more important announcements and reports. […] The file is available at the IAHR website.  It is very important for the well-functioning of the IAHR that not only you but also all individual members of your organization are continuously being informed and updated on the IAHR.
Sincerely yours,
Satoko Fujiwara, IAHR Acting Secretary General, Tokyo, February 5, 2019.



PhD Studentship, U.of Copenhagen and UEA

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce (and remind you of) a 3-year PhD studentship hosted by the University of Copenhagen and University of East Anglia.

The studentship is on the broad theme of religion and social change in Africa. More information can be found here:  The deadline for applications is February 4th. Please also note that due to funding reasons the studentship is available only to applications from the EU (including the UK).

Best wishes,

Ben Jones (UEA)
Karen Lauterbach (Copenhagen)

Job Post, Templeton Foundation

Program Officer Opening at John Templeton

We are currently recruiting for a new Program Officer position in Human
Sciences at the John Templeton Foundation. Full details are here:

Position Summary

Reporting to the Vice President, Programs, the Program Officer, Human
Sciences, will share responsibility for the two major types of grantmaking
activities of the John Templeton Foundation. First, the Program Officer will
assist with and/or lead the development of proactive initiatives that
advance scholarship in the social, behavioral, cognitive, and health
sciences, especially (but not exclusively) as applied to the scientific
study of religion. Second, the Program Officer will assist with the
recruitment, review, and management of grant proposals received through the
Foundation’s open submission process. This process begins with the review of
online funding inquiries, continues with the invitation, review, and
recommendation of full proposals, and ends with monitoring grants and
evaluating completed work in ways that that contribute to future program
development. During the life of a grant, the Program Officer will share
responsibility for managing the Foundation’s relationship with the grantee
and for official communications about the work of the grant.

Areas of Responsibility

* Manage the life cycle of the grant process, including the Foundation’s
relationship with a Principal Investigator, for initiatives that fall under
the purview of Human Sciences.
* Develop and implement new ideas for grants and projects, collaborating
with other program staff as needed.
* Communicate the “fit with mission” for Human Sciences grants and
projects, both internally and externally.
* Participate in all aspects of the grant submission and grant review
* Develop special projects in collaboration with the Vice President,
Programs and the Human Sciences department.
* Monitor and evaluate the performance of grants and grantees in
conjunction with the Office of Planning and Evaluation.
* Participate in site visits for active grants and attend relevant
professional conferences.
* Participate in outreach to potential grantees.
* Participate in professional development opportunities.

Criteria & Relevant Skills

* Master’s Degree required in the social, cognitive, behavioral, or
health sciences; Ph.D. preferred.
* Candidates with a demonstrated interest in at least one of the
department’s current key projects are strongly preferred.
* A track record of scholarship in scientific study of religion and/or
clinical research is strongly preferred.
* Experience of interdisciplinary research would be an advantage.
* 3 – 5 years of professional experience in a foundation or academic
* Highly organized with strong analytical skills.
* A proven track record of writing and editing program-related content,
proposals, papers, and presentations.
* Skilled communicator able to work with scholars and members of the
academic community, as well as across internal departments.
* Adept relationship builder able to forge and maintain professional
* Experience in grantmaking preferred.
* Willingness to participate in regular domestic and international
travel is essential.
* Strong personal interest in the Foundation’s mission is essential.

Visit to learn more and submit your

Nicholas J. S. Gibson, Ph.D. | Senior Program Officer, Human Sciences | John
Templeton Foundation

300 Conshohocken State Road, Suite 500 | West Conshohocken, PA 19428, United

P: +1-610-941-2828 | F: +1-610-825-1730 |

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