2017-18 African Humanities Program Competition


The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), with financial support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, announces competitions for:
 Dissertation-completion fellowships in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda
 Early-career postdoctoral fellowships in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa

The 2017-18 African Humanities Program Competition is now open! More info and application materials can be found here: http://www.acls.org/programs/ahp/.

This will be the last competitions of the ten-year program supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Apply now!

Deadline for applications is: November 2, 2017

Institutions: Creativity and Resilience in Africa; CfP, 60th annual ASA meeting, Chicago, 16-18 November 2017


The 2017 annual meeting of the African Studies Association marks the 60th anniversary of the ASA. The association is responsible, in part, for institutionalizing the study of Africa in the United States, advocating for informed policy, and building dialogue and exchange with Africa-based scholars and institutions. The 60th anniversary offers a moment for critical reflection on what and who we are as an institution.

Call for Propsals


Stephen Ellis Bibliography


Two countries and a continent: In remembrance of Stephen Ellis (1953-2015)
by Jos Damen 
(ASC Librarian)

Stephen Ellis had roots in two European countries, but he was fascinated by a much larger continent, Africa. The fascination started as early as 1971, when he was a teacher in Cameroon. The two countries were the UK and the Netherlands: born and raised in Britain, Stephen worked much of his professional life in The Netherlands where he lived with his Dutch partner Gerrie ter Haar. […] I hope that this bibliography makes all his works even more accessible to readers.

African Presence in Iran


Dr Pedram Khosronejad (Oklahoma State University) will lecture on “African Presence in Qajar Photography” on 19th December 2016, at 2.30 pm in the First Interdisciplinary Working Group on “African Presence in Iran: Literature, Religion, Visual Art and Media”, conveneded by Dr. Omid Azadi, at Shiraz University, Iran

Religion and Time: Call for Papers, SAR Biennial Conference, May 15-17, 2017, New Orleans


The Society for the Anthropology of Religion (a section of the American Anthropological Association) will hold its next meeting at New Orleans, Louisiana from May 15 to May 17, 2017. The theme of the meeting will be “Religion and Time”.

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