Executive Committee of the AASR for 2015-2020

Recently elected at the IAHR Congress in Erfurt, Germany, here is the Executive Committee of the AASR for 2015-2020:

President: Elias Bongmba
Vice President: Damaris Seleina Parsitau
General Secretary: Corey Williams
Treasurer: Abel Ubga


New Book: Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa, Edited by Elias Kifon Bongmba

The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa offers a multi-disciplinary analysis of the Christian tradition across the African continent and throughout a long historical span. The volume offers historical and thematic essays tracing the introduction of Christianity in Africa, as well as its growth, developments, and effects, including the lived experience of African Christians. Individual chapters address the themes of Christianity and gender, the development of African-initiated churches, the growth of Pentecostalism, and the influence of Christianity on issues of sexuality, music, and public health. This comprehensive volume will serve as a valuable overview and reference work for students and researchers worldwide.

See the flyer here: Book Flyer

See the website here: https://www.routledge.com/products/9780415705028

2016 Cadbury Fellowship Scheme at the University of Birmingham

Great opportunity at the University of Birmingham for early-career African scholars based in an institution on the African continent:


In Memoriam: Stephen Ellis, 1953-2015

The ASC in Leiden is very sad to report that Prof. Stephen Ellis died on July 29, 2015.



Christianity and Social Sciences in Contemporary Africa: Call for applications for research grants


With generous support from the John Templeton Foundation, the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, announces two research grants programs.

One grants program will feature African theologians and the other will center on the continent’s social sciences. These programs’ researchers will focus on African Christianity, one of the most dynamic forces in Africa today. The grants for theologians will address how African modes of spirituality shape African Christianity today and how African values and virtues are embedded within a Christian context. The program for social scientists addresses contemporary African Christianity as a social force, focusing on its innovative and competitive character.

If you have any further questions about this program, kindly contact us via nagel@calvin.edu

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