Obituary for Dr. Ephraim Chikakano Mandivenga
Ephraim Chikakano Mandivenga (PhD) was born in 1937 in Gutu, Zimbabwe. He died on 5th January 2014 at South Medical Hospital in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. He is survived by his wife and 4 children.
Mandivenga obtained a B.A degree with distinction in 1969 from the University College of Rhodesia (UCR), then a College of the University of London. He was the first black student at the university to obtain a distinction for the degree programme, and became a subject of discussion in Parliament for his achievement in early 1970. He furthered his education and acquired an M. Phil degree in Theology and Philosophy in the early seventies. Later, he had a brief stint as a High School teacher at the Presbyterian High school in Mhondoro before being snapped by the University of Botswana where he lectured Religious Studies for a few years. He joined the Department of Theology, at the University College of Rhodesia (UCR) as a lecturer in 1977. At the attainment of Independence in Zimbabwe in 1980, he was appointed Acting Chairman of the Department until 1982.
Inspired by the late Prof. Adrian Hastings, who took over as Head of department (1982-85), Mandivenga obtained a Ph. D. degree in1987 in the field of Islamic Studies from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He joined the Department of Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy at the University of Zimbabwe in 1982 as a lecturer in Islam and Introduction to Religion. He was appointed Chairman of Department for the period, 1992-1994. He retired in 2002.
As a lecturer, Mandivenga left an impressive history of excellent teaching in Islamic studies at the University. His lectures were carefully planned, well organised and precise. He was always punctual for class. As a product of one of the luminary English tertiary institutions in the United Kingdom, Aberdeen, he had a penchant for the British accent in the pronunciation of words. One of the indelible marks he left on the consciousness of his students was in the pronunciation of the Islamic declaration of faith, ‘There is only One God (Allah) and ‘Muhammad rasul Allah!’ (Prophet of Allah). He exuded great charm and his students found him quite accessible. This earned him a number of nicknames, including “Samsara” for his lectures on Hinduism.
His administrative ability is testified by his appointment as the Head of Department at the University of Zimbabwe. He was the second black African to hold this post in postcolonial Zimbabwe. In 1992 he was the Chair of Department when the University successfully hosted the International Association of the History of Religions (IAHR) Regional Conference. At one time he served as the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts. In the Department, he headed an international team, with members from diverse countries and backgrounds. He chaired meetings professionally and planned his work diligently. He left a legacy of democracy, participation and inclusiveness in Departmental Board meetings. His leadership is also seen in his successful recruitment of new staff in the Department that has seen the numbers swelling to the current 25 members of staff. He groomed a competitive set of scholars in his area of specialisation. Some of his products are now Professors and a good number hold PhDs in Religious Studies. Upon his retirement, he donated many books to the Religious Studies section of the Department, thereby honourably passing on the baton to the next generation of scholars. As a cheerful mentor, he endeared himself to both academic and support staff in the Department and the University.
Mandivenga’s major contribution to academia was his publication of the book, Islam in Zimbabwe (Harare: Mambo Press, 1983). In this book, he traced the historical background to the establishment of Islam in Zimbabwe. It has since become a fundamental text to the study of Islam in the country, with implications for understanding Islam in Southern Africa. His other contributions to the study of Islam can be detected in publications such as:
- “The role of Islam in Southern Africa” in C.F. Hallencreutz and M. Palmberg (eds), Religion and Politics in Southern Africa (Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1991);
- “The History and Re-conversion of the Varemba of Zimbabwe,” Journal of Religion in Africa, 19, 2 (1989), pp.98-124;
- “Islam in Tanzania: a General Survey,” in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. 11, no. 2, 1990, pp. 311-320;
- “Muslims and the pre‐colonial history of Zimbabwe”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. 13, no. 1, 1992, pp. 99-115;
- A book review, “Tudor Parfitt, Journey to the Vanished City: The Search for a Lost Tribe of Israel, Journal of Religion in Africa , vol. 26, no. 2, 1996, pp. 210-212.
- ‘The Cape Muslims and the Indian Muslims of South Africa: A Comparative Analysis in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. 20, no. 2, 2000, pp. 347-352.
Ephraim leaves a legacy of industriousness and astute scholarship that remains a heritage for the Department of Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy at the University of Zimbabwe and the African Association for the Study of Religion community.
Inserted by
Tabona Shoko (Prof)
University of Zimbabwe
Lecturer in Asian Religions, Dept. of Religious Studies, Cape Town University
The Department of Religious Studies, Asian Religions, invites applications for a permanent Lecturer level position, from 01 July 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. Closing date: 10 March 2014
IAHR 21st World Congress, Erfurt, Germnany 23-29 August 2015: Call for Panel Proposals
You are invited to propose panels for the 21st IAHR World Congress, Erfurt, Germany, 23-29 August 2015, within the thematic framework of our Congress” “Dynamics of Religions: Past and Present”, which will be addressed in four interrelated fields: “Religious Communities in Society: Adaptation and Transformation”; “Practices and Discourses: Innovation and Tradition”; “The Individual: Religiosity, Spiritualities and Individualization”; and “Methodology: Representations and Interpretations”. Click HERE for a further description of these four areas.
We encourage you to propose panels for our Congress at this point as well as to approach your colleagues and friends who you think would be interested in participating in our Congress and present their ideas and projects there.This Call is for Panels only. If you are looking for presenters to participate in you panel, please make use also of our Facebook page as a discussion forum. Our Call for Papers will follow in the next months.
Each panel lasts two hours. Panel papers should be limited to 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of panel participants. Panel conveners are asked to approach possible participants from different nations to reflect the scope and internationality of the IAHR Congress.
To propose a panel, please submit a general proposal of the panel as well as individual proposals of all papers included in the panel. Both panel and papers of a proposed panel will be evaluated by the Academic Program Committee to ensure a high academic standard of the Congress program. We therefore ask panel conveners to submit the proposals of all prospective panel participants of a proposed panel as indicated by the submission form. Proposals of panels and of papers should not exceed 150 words.
The deadline for submission of proposals is Sunday, September 14, 2014. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the IAHR 2015 website. This site will be available for submissions from Sunday, September 1, 2013 through Sunday, September 14, 2014. As part of the submission process, you will be asked to indicate the area in which you would like your proposal considered. Your proposal will then be forwarded to the appropriate member of the Academic Program Committee.
You will receive notice concerning the status of your proposal as soon as possible and certainly before March 1, 2015. If your panel or paper has been accepted by the Academic Program Committee, please note that you will have to register as Congress participant before May 15, 2015 to be included in the Congress program.
Congress Websites: www.iahr2015.org; www.uni-erfurt.de/iahr
Contact: iahr@uni-erfurt.de
AAR African Religions Group
Statement of Purpose
This Group provides a forum for the discussion of research on the multiple religious traditions of Africa, methodological issues in the study of the religions of Africa, and African religious responses to ethical and social issues affecting the continent. The Group encourages the participation of African and non-African scholars in the leadership of the Group and in participation in its programs.
Chair: Joseph Hellweg, jhellweg@fsu.edu; Mary Nyangweso, wangilam@ecu.edu
Steering Committee
Adriaan van Klinken, a.vanklinken@leeds.ac.uk; Afe Adogame, a.adogame@ed.ac.uk; Albert K. Wuaku, wuakua@fiu.edu; Danoye Oguntola-Laguda, danoyeoguntola@yahoo.com
Dianna Bell, bell.dianna@gmail.com
Call for Papers for the AAR Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA., USA, November 22-25, 2014
This Group encourages critical inquiry about religions originating in Africa as well as all those practiced there. Proposals should go beyond description; they should analyze the conceptual tools and methods employed. We invite individual papers, paper sessions, and roundtable proposals on the following five themes relevant to any region of the African continent (North, West, East, Central, Southern, and the Horn):
• Religious dimensions of violence, displacement, and politics in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 20 years after the Rwandan genocide
• Religious responses to and reflections on the ecological and environmental impact of international development and climate change
• LGBTIQ women in Africa
• Mental health and religion in Africa
• African religions and agriculture
The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, March 3, 5:00 PM EST
For questions or support, email support@aarweb.org.
RC22-ISA Newsletter 9/10 (2013)
The electronic 2013 RC22-ISA Newsletter – of the Research Committee 22 on Sociology of Religion of the International Sociological Association (ISA), edited bty Afe Adogame – has appreared. It contains items and announcements that are of interest to AASR Members also.