Participant Review: AASR Conference, Zambia 2018

Here’s a great review of our 8th African AASR conference (August 2018, Lusaka, Zambia) by first-time participant King’asia Mamati (Kenya). A good reminder of why we need keep encouraging students and early career researchers to participate in conferences, as well as actively working to financially and practically facilitate their participation. Once again, photos of the event can be seen here:

My First International Academic Conference

After finishing my master’s degree in Religious Studies at Moi University, Kenya, I was encouraged by my academic mentors to submit my research work to journals and conferences. Dr. Hassan Ndzovu shared calls for papers by various journals and conferences on social media. One of the posts that was shared was the call for papers for the AASR conference 8th edition, to be hosted in Zambia. The theme of this conference was “Revisiting Religion, Politics, and the State in Africa and the African Diaspora”. I prepared an abstract and submitted it for consideration in January 2018. I was excited when I received an email from the local organizing committee in March 2018 informing me that my abstract had been accepted for the upcoming conference. Preparations for the conference began in earnest. I informed the good news to my academic mentors who were equally excited. I booked my flight to Zambia and arrived a day early, this experience was prodigious as it was my first time travelling outside my native country Kenya. On arrival at the Kenneth Kaunda international airport I was warmly welcomed by somebody who had come to pick us from the airport. I was excited to meet a fellow Kenyan, Dr Dickson Nkonge, with whom I shared the residence and Prof. Tim Jensen, President of the International Association for the History of Religions, at the airport.
On 1st August I was among the first people to present in my panel. I was a little bit nervous, because it was my first experience before an international conference with a large audience. I presented a paper under the title “African Religious Worldview on Natural Environmental Resources.” After the presentation, I was inundated with questions and constructive insights from the audience who showed their keen interest in my work.
I spent the rest of the conference days attending different presentation ranging on diverse topics that were of interest to me, and of help to my area of specialization. During the conference breaks, I had an opportunity to interact with a variety of scholars, from whom I learnt a lot. In the galaxy of scholars I met included the following: Dr. Loreen Maseno of Maseno University, Dr Parsitau from Egerton University, Dr Adriaan Van Klinken from Leeds University, Dr. Corey Williams, Prof. Mika Vahakangas, and Prof. Afe Adogame. Through the assistance of Professor Afe I was able to receive a travel subsidy for an International Interdisciplinary Conference on Global African Indigenous & Derived Religion which is to be held later in the year. This interaction with an array of erudite scholars was a life time inspiration, especially to a young scholar of my calibre. From them I learnt that passion, persistence and relentlessness are the characters of true scholars.
The culmination of the conference was a special session for graduate students and early career scholars. In this session, I learned a lot from the presentation by Prof. Afe Adogame and Dr. Chammah J. Kaunda on how to develop as a good research proposal that meets international standards of modern scholarship. After the conference I had an opportunity to tour and explore Chaminuka Game Park alongside other participants from the conference. The beauty of the natural endowment of Zambia was breath-taking.
The AASR conference actualized my desire to disseminate the findings of my research. It also afforded me an opportunity to network and to receive feedback on my research work. This was a golden opportunity that broadened my academic horizon, I am very grateful to have been part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I am deeply indebted to Prof. Eunice Kamaara and my friends: George Alwang’a, Billy Muchesia and Dickens Wanjala for making this academic experience a reality.

AASR Zambia Conference Highlights!

Thanks to all of you for making our 8th annual AASR Africa conference a success! Our theme for this year was “Revisiting Religion, Politics, and the State in Africa and the African Diaspora,” and from great papers to stimulating questions and conversations, it was engaging all around. Hosted in Lusaka on the beautiful campus of Justo Mwale University, in partnership with colleagues from the University of Zambia, a good time was had by all. A big thank you to our hosts, conference organizers, and delegates for making this event a success!

Special thanks to Johanneke Kroesbergen for taking outstanding photos and making them available to us. Please take time to check out the the photos here:

AASR Lusaka, Zambia, August 1–4 2018
AASR Lusaka, Zambia, August 1–4 2018

AASR Conference Final Details!


For this week’s conference, please note an updated program (hopefully the final one!), paper abstracts, and conference information below:

FINALProgram Schedule_29 July 2018
AASR 2018 All abstracts
Information sheet AASR

Reminder: for any queries please contact

We wish everyone safe travels and look forward to seeing you there!

Important AASR Conference Updates (1-4 August, Lusaka, Zambia)

The 8th annual AASR conference in Africa is only one week away! For those preparing to join us in Lusaka, please note the following details as you finalize your travel plans:

1. Any conference participants who need an airport transfer, or who have any other inquiries, are asked to contact for assistance.

2. The address of the conference venue is as follows:

Justo Mwale University
Plot 19 Munali Road
Chamba Valley, Lusaka

3. The interim program schedule can be accessed here:

Program Schedule

CfP: 2018 Fela Anikulapo Kuti Int’l Conference on African Homelands and Social Theory (10-11th Oct)




(A 2-Day International Conference in Honour of Fela Anikulapo Kuti)

Religion-State Relationship in Postcolonial Africa: Issues, Contexts and Perspectives

DATE: 10 -11TH OCTOBER, 2018

CONFERENCE OVERVIEW: Fela Anikulapo Kuti International Conference on African Homelands and Social Theory is an annual international conference that brings together academicians and research scholars in African and Diaspora Studies and importantly researchers in the Fela phenomenon. The international conference provides the medium and opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and develop academic researches done in the gear of decolonizing knowledge in the African educational system and with the sole aim of adding values to knowledge production in its Africanity. The conference seek to promote intellectualism in its Africaness, Culture education and traditions of African homelands and the diaspora. In fulfilling this, while the international conference provides an environment for cross- fertilization of ideas to produce knowledge and new thoughts and philosophies, the conference as well accommodates political education for the decolonization of African homelands as a step to rescue the westernization of education in Africa.

The 2018 FELA ANIKULAPO KUTI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AFRICAN HOMELANDS AND SOCIAL THEORY is planned to feature paper presentations on some selected thematic issues relating to the concept note. Participants are invited from different fields and practices including: religious studies, music, theatre and film, literary and cultural studies, political science, sociology, history, philosophy and other related areas. The paper abstract must not be more than 300 words.

Professor Toyin Falola, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. J.K Ayantayo, Prof. of Christian theology, Head, Department of Religious Studies, U.I
Prof. Anthony Akinwale, Vice- Chancellor, Dominican University, Samonda, Ibadan
Emeritus Professor Femi Osofisan, University of Ibadan.

THEMATIC ISSUES: Conference papers will cover the under listed thematic issues:
a. Religion, International political system and Africa
b. Religion, Ideology and Nationalism
c. Religion and Philosophy
d. Religion and Music in the African Context
e. Religion and Language in the African Perspective
f. Religion and Conventional Thoughts
g. Religion, Education and Law
h. Historiography of Religion within the African Context
i. Comparative Approach to Non-African and African Belief Systems
j. Religion and Emerging Gender Issues
k. Religion, Terrorism, Peace and Strategic studies
l. The Foreign in African Traditional Religions
m. Religion and Humanity in the African Context
n. Political economy of religion
o. Comparative Study on Religion, Spirituality and Culture
p. Religion and African mystery system
q. Religion and Secret societies
r. Religion, methodology and politics of knowledge production
s. Religion, Postcolonial Africanities and human development
t. Religion, Secularism and globalization
u. Religion and Environmental issues
v. Religion, Archaeology and social Anthropology
w. Religion and classical studies
Prospective paper presenters are to adhere strictly to the APA Format for writing‎ research papers.

Abstracts and full papers can be submitted by email to the Conference Convener, Olusegun Michael Ogundele at or to the official conference email address:

Publicity: 15th May, 2018
Deadline for submission: 5th August, 2018
Notification of acceptance: 19th August, 2018
Deadline for final paper submission: 5th September, 2018
Conference date: 10- 11 October, 2018

The international conference will have as part of its special features A FRENCH PANEL. This French panel is being sponsored by IFRA- NIGERIA and Alliance Francais, Ibadan. Papers to be presented at this French panel will be submitted in French Language, especially to encourage participation from African research scholars in Francophone countries. Presentation at the panel will be in French language. There is as well a possibility for a French translator to English Language so that the parallel session will not close its door against other participants in the conference.
Dr. Nicolas Michelland, Director, Alliance Francaise, Ibadan, Nigeria
Dr. Elodie Apard, Director, French Institute for Research in Africa, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Prof. Tunde Ayeleru, Head, Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Prof. Anthony Akinwale, Vice Chancellor, Dominican University, Samonda, Ibadan.

Conference Convener

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