Biblical scholars and other academics are invited to contribute an article to the forthcoming volume of the BiAS series. The articles should focus very rigidly on the topic of THE BIBLE AND GENDER TROUBLES IN AFRICA. Articles that tend to ignore the topic will be rejected. The volume will be peer-reviewed. Every contributor will be expected to act anonymously as peer-reviewer for another article.
Deadline for submission is END OF APRIL 2017. Please send your article to: joachim.kuegler@online.de Please tell us as soon as possible if you are planning to contribute an article.
Style regulations:
Please avoid formatting a lot. Footnotes are reserved for real annotations. Bibliographical reference is given within the main te+t like this (Kuegler 2010:35) i.e. (Author Year: Page). For the full bibliographic information add a literature list at the end of your te+x. Please avoid internet links in the main te+t. Include them in the literature list and quote them according to the short way given above. Every article should start with a short summary (not more than 10 lines). At the end (after the literature list) some information on the author should be given: Full name (as used in publications); academic titles; professional status; university; research fields; one or two important publications; e-mail
Call for Papers: JSR special issue 2017: The Role of Religion in Violence and Peacebuilding
The role of religion in political and socio-economic violence as well as peacebuilding has been theorised and analysed in diverse ways and contexts. Political violence has been conceptualised in a narrow way as collective acts of political significance that result in direct physical harm to persons and property. Approaches taking in broader contexts have drawn attention to the systemic violation of people’s rights and dignity in modern states that claim a monopoly on legitimate violence and that have often normalised colonialism, racism, classism and sexism. The different forms of violence – direct, cultural and structural – have also been facilitated or opposed by actors who have deployed religion to meet their ends. This has been done through both violent and non-violent means, which have made reflections on the ethics of violent resistance and peacebuilding particularly salient.
We would like to invite interested authors to submit articles for a special issue of JSR (Journal for the Study of Religion, official journal of ASRSA, Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa) on the role of religion in political and socio-economic violence and peacebuilding. Analyses should be theoretically informed and applied to pertinent case studies (networked societies on the internet are relevant as well).
The aim of this edition is to publish a coherent body of analytical articles that focus on, but are not limited to, the following questions:
– In which ways have religious beliefs, practices and institutions been instrumentalised in political, ethnic and/or resource-based violence?
– Which roles have religious movements and religious actors played in secular politics towards peacebuilding and reconciliation?
– In which ways do networked groups on the internet use religion in discourses of violence and peacebuilding?
1. Submission of abstracts: Abstracts for consideration should be submitted by 01 November 2016. Abstracts should be between 200-250 words, providing the research question, theoretical approach, methodology and case study / studies.
2. Notification of acceptance of abstract and invitation of full paper submission for consideration: 15 November 2016.
3. Full papers (6000 – 10 000 words), prepared according to the guidelines for authors at http://www.scielo.org.za/revistas/jsr/iinstruc.htm, are due by 31 January 2017.
4. Articles will be peer-reviewed during February and March 2017.
5. Authors will be notified of the outcome of peer-reviews by 31 March 2017.
6. Final revised papers are due by 30 April 2017.
7. Publication of first issue of JSR in June 2017.
Please send abstract submissions and all correspondence relating to this special issue to the guest editors:
Johan Strijdom (Religious Studies and Arabic, University of South Africa, South Africa). Email: strijjm@hotmail.com
Joram Tarusarira (Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain, University of Groningen, The Netherlands). Email: j.tarusarira@rug.nl
Religion, Gender and Sexualities One-Day Conference
Religion, Gender and Sexualities One-Day Conference, Friday 1st July 2016, 10.00-16.30, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Deadline for abstracts: May 27th 2016. Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Dr Sarah-Jane Page (s.page1@aston.ac.uk) and Dr Katy Pilcher (k.pilcher@aston.ac.uk).
CfP AAR Sociology of Religion Group, San Antonio, Texas, USA, November 19-22, 2016
The AAR Sociology of Religion Group serves as a bridge between religious studies and the subdiscipline of sociology of religion. It functions as a two-way conduit not only to import sociological research into religious studies but also to export the research of religious studies into both the subdiscipline and the broader field of sociology.
Critics of sociology of religion have pointed out that the field is dominated by North Americans scholars primarily interested in Protestantism. The discipline of religious studies provides a clear antidote to these perceived limitations. Therefore, we encourage contributions from academics who study the various religious traditions around the world as well as those studying North American religious communities. In particular, we would like submissions from scholars from all academic ranks across the lines of nationality, region, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
The Sociology of Religion Group (SOR) invites both panel and paper proposals across a wide range of topics of interest to both the sociology of religion and religious studies and are particularly interested in papers, which speak to both thereby encouraging increased dialogue between them.
Pentecostalism and Its Encounters with Other Religions: CfP, 9th GloPent Conferenc, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 10-11 June 2016
This 9th GloPent conference will explore these various spaces of negotiation and confrontation in the encounter between Pentecostal movements and other religious traditions, especially in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Offering four keynotes from the vantage points of sociology, the study of religion, and theology, we invite scholars to contribute additional papers from different disciplinary perspectives and regions – enabling a broad and thorough discussion of our conference theme.
Please send your title and a 150-200 word abstract to julia.kuhlin@teol.uu.se by Friday, 15 January 2016. Selections will be confirmed latest by 15 February. For questions concerning the conference, please contact the conference organizer, Julia Kuhlin, at julia.kuhlin@teol.uu.se using “GloPent” in the subject line.