CfP, 3rd British Association for Islamic Studies Conference
Third Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS), London, 11–12 April 2016, Senate House, University of London: Call for panels and papers
Religious Education in the Mirror of a Life Trajectory: Conference Call for Papers, University of Cape Town
Conference Call for Papers: Religious Education in the Mirror of a Life Trajectory
University of Cape Town
Prof. Abdulkader Tayob
Email: abdulkader.tayob@uct.ac.za
Religious education has become a particularly contentious issue in our times. It is not longer merely the concern of those who wish to ensure the transmission of religious knowledge. Government ministers, policy think-tanks, educators in general, reformers and other public intellectuals have strong views on the merits, demerits, dangers and value of religious education. Some see religious education as the root of all evil, while others see religious education as a panacea. Some are focussed on religion within confessions or traditions, others have thrived on the distinctions between philosophy, critical theory, theology, sensorial sensitivities and ethics in pursuit of the perfect model of religious education in their contexts.
This is a call for papers on the individuals that have engaged with religious education in one way or another. The focus of this conference lies on the full life trajectory of those who have taken a position, changed that position, on religious education in their particular contexts. It could be a study of school teachers, religious leaders, theologians, academics, policy makers, elected officials or government bureaucrats. They should all be concerned or directly involved in teaching religion in their communities, societies, countries or regions.
This approach of focussing on life trajectories appreciates that positions change over time, that there are personal and political struggles involved in the development of a position or syllabus or vision, and that local, regional and global developments are not too far removed from the personal. The conference welcomes a focus on experiments in religious education engaged along the way, further developed or discarded as the case may be.
The proposed conference welcomes papers that approach the life trajectories from a variety of methods and theoretical frameworks. These include anthropological, philosophical, critical theological, literary/textual and historical approaches.
If you would like to participate, please send a clear and comprehensive abstract (1000 words) by 20 November 2015. If your abstract fits in with the general theme of the conference, then an invitation will be sent to you. Unless you can access funds from your University, we offer you an economy class ticket, and will provide boarding and lodging during the duration of the meeting.
Selected Papers will be published in a special issue of a journal or edited volume.
Christianity and Social Sciences in Contemporary Africa: Call for applications for research grants
With generous support from the John Templeton Foundation, the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, announces two research grants programs.
One grants program will feature African theologians and the other will center on the continent’s social sciences. These programs’ researchers will focus on African Christianity, one of the most dynamic forces in Africa today. The grants for theologians will address how African modes of spirituality shape African Christianity today and how African values and virtues are embedded within a Christian context. The program for social scientists addresses contemporary African Christianity as a social force, focusing on its innovative and competitive character.
If you have any further questions about this program, kindly contact us via nagel@calvin.edu
NASR 36th Annual Conference, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 8-11 September: Call for Papers
This is to invite you to the 36TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the above named association slated between Tuesday, 8th September and Friday, 11th September at the Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State.
The sub-themes are:
1. Christianity and democratic sustainability
2. Islam and democratic sustainability
3. African Traditional Religion and democratic sustainability
4. Theological issues in democratic system and values
5. Religion, ethnicity and democratic sustainability
6. Religion, gender and democratic sustainability
7. Religion and ethical principles of democratic sustainability
8. Religion, music and democratic sustainability
9. Religion, art and democratic sustainability
10. Religion, media and democratic sustainability
11. Religion, language, communication and democratic sustainability
12. Religion, ICTs and democratic sustainability
13. The religious role of the diaspora in democratic development and sustainability
14. Religious leaders and democratic sustainability
15. Religion, civil societies and democratic sustainability
16. Religious and theological imperatives for accountable governance
Abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 keywords arranged in alphabetical order, processed in Microsoft Word should be submitted to the Secretary, 2015 LOC NASR Conference: aaolaniyi@gmail.com, not later than 31st July, 2015.
Full length manuscripts should be sent to the same address not later than 31st August, 2015. Authors of papers should submit 15 copies of their papers typed in English language on arrival for the conference at the registration centre at the conference venue. All manuscripts must be typed in Times New Romans, font size 12, double spaced, Chicago Style of referencing (16th Edition) on A4 paper.
Formal Opening Ceremony will come up on Wednesday, 9th September, 2015 at 10:00 am
Keynote Speaker: Professor Dapo Asaju, Lagos State University (LASU), Lagos, Nigeria.
Lead paper presenters:
1. Professor (Mrs) Celestina O. Isiramen, Ambrose Ali University (AAU), Ekpoma, Nigeria
2. Professor Muibi O. Opeloye, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Chief Host: Professor Bamitale Omole, Vice Chancellor, OAU, Ile-Ile, Nigeria
Host: Dr. S.A. Owoeye, Acting Head, Department of Religious Studies, OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Contact Persons:
Abiola A. Olaniyi, Secretary, LOC aaolaniyi@gmail.com +234 8023855215
Prof. M.O. Opeloye, Chairman, LOC opeloyem@yahoo.com + 234 8033340495
Dr. Benson O. Igboin, General Secretary, NASR, bensonigboin@gmail.com +234 8160220622
Dr. Musa O. Adeniyi, President, NASR, madeniyi@oauife.edu.ng +234 803 334 0495
Registration fee: N2000 (new members); Annual dues N2000; Conference fee: N6000; Postgraduate Students fee: N5000.
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 8 (2017): Pentecostals and the Body, Call for papers
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 8 (2017): Pentecostals and the Body, Call for papers