African Studies in the 21st Century, Ibadan, October 13-17, 2015: Call for Panels and Paper Proposals


The First ASAA (African Studies Association of Africa) International Conference will take place at the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ibadan from 13 to 17 October 2015 on the theme: African Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Past, Present, and Future’ Paper and panel proposals are invited before March 30, 2015.

Temporary Lecturer in World Christianities, Cambridge


The Faculty of Divinity of Cambridge University invites applications for a new fixed-term appointment as lecturer (Grade 9) in the field of World Christianities for nineteen months from 1 September 2015 (Grade 9, £38,511 to £48,743).

AAR Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 21-24, 2015: CfP: African Religions Group


Call for Papers

Religious Freedom and Religious Pluralism in Africa: Prospects and Limitations


The third conference on Law and Religion in Africa will be held in Windhoek, Namibia at the University of Namibia from Monday, May 18 to Tuesday, May 19, 2015. This conference focuses on the theme “Religious Freedom and Religious Pluralism in Africa: Prospects and Limitations.” We invite all scholars interested in the study of Law and Religion to submit proposals of no more than 250 words by 20 February 2015. These can be submitted electronically to Travel support may be available for those whose papers are selected.

CfP African Studies Association annual meeting 2015

The AASR is an affiliate member of the African Studies Association. The AASR Executive encourages you to submit individual proposals and panels for the 2015 ASA annual meeting in San Diego on The State and the Study of Africa.

If you submit an individual paper proposals, please send a copy of the title and abstract to AASR President, Prof Elias Bongmba (, so that he can keep track of submissions. If you want to propose a fully arranged panel with selected members, please submit the proposal on the ASA website and make sure you put the sponsoring organization as The African Association for the Study of Religion.


58th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association
November 19-22, 2015
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, CA


Dismas A. Masolo, University of Louisville
Derek R. Peterson, University of Michigan

We are soliciting proposals for papers, panels, and roundtables. Presentations may focus on the theme of “The State and Study of Africa” or on broader social science, humanities, and applied themes relating to Africa. We strongly encourage the submission of formed panels. You can find more information on the theme and the guidelines for proposals at the ASA website.

The ASA is excited to announce that this year we have a new category for submissions! In addition to submitting a panel, roundtable, or paper, you may also submit a proposal for an “Author Meets Critic” roundtable. You can find more information on the ASA website.

The ASA has another new initiative that we hope will help individuals utilize the ASA network to find potential panelists. You will now be able to post a “call for panelists” on the ASA website. If you have a proposed panel abstract, you will be able to request that it is posted on the ASA website prior to the close of the CFP along with a call for potential panelists under that theme. More information can be found on the ASA website. Please note that panel organizers must still submit an organized panel proposal by March 15, 2015.

Instructions for submitting proposals can be found online on the ASA website.

PLEASE NOTE: If your proposal is accepted, the conference pre-registration fee must be paid by May 15, 2015 by ALL participants. Payment of the pre-registration fee will result in a final acceptance. Failure to pay the pre-registration fee by May 15, 2015, will result in an automatic rejection.

Join the ASA or renew your membership. ASA membership can be purchased through Cambridge University Press. If you have any difficulties registering, please contact Cambridge at

Established in 1957, the African Studies Association is the largest organization in the world devoted to enhancing the exchange of information about Africa. Our members include scholars, students, teachers, activists, development professionals, policy makers, donors and many others. We encourage interdisciplinary interactions with Africa. We provide access to pathbreaking research and key debates in African studies. We bring together people with scholarly and other interests in Africa through our annual meeting and seek to broaden professional opportunities in the field of African studies. The organization publishes two leading interdisciplinary journals on Africa, African Studies Review and History in Africa and promotes an informed understanding of Africa to the public and in educational institutions as well as to businesses, media, and other communities that have interests in Africa.

For general questions regarding the meeting and/or registration please contact For questions regarding the submission process, guidelines, or program theme please contact

We welcome your participation in this exciting conference and in the ASA!

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