‘The Future of Africa’, conference of the African Studies Association in Germany, at Bayreuth University, June 11-14, 2014

The Call for papers for this conference lists 46 panels; cf. http://www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014/callforpapers/
I select three that are relevant to scholars of the religions of Africa:
Panel 8: Transformations of Islamic Knowledge in Africa: Media, Agents, and Institutions”. Convenors: Britta Frede & Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann. For the Call for Papers, visit: http://www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014/callforpapers/pdf/panel8.pdf
Panel 16: „The “Gospel of Prosperity” and Social Change in Africa”. Convenor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuser. For the Call for paper, visit: http://www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014/callforpapers/pdf/panel16.pdf
Panel 32: Religious pathways to better futures. Convenors: Dr. Eva Spies & Dr. Kathrin Langewiesche. For the Call for papers, visit: http://www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014/callforpapers/pdf/panel32.pdf.
Papers are welcome until the 17th of November 2013. Please send your abstracts to the panel convenors and to the conference organizers. Email: vad.bayreuth2014@gmail.com

1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC), Pilzen, Czech Republic, 14-16 May 2014

1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC) on ‘Shifting Identities, Changing Relations: Ethnicity, Culture and Society in an Emerging Africa’, 14–16 May, 2014
Venue: Sedláčkova 15, SP319, Plzeň, Czech Republic
The Central European African Studies Network (CEASN) is proud to announce the 1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC) which is going to take place at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Ethnicity, Culture and Society seem to be very much debated issues in contemporary African Studies and have a great impact on politics, international relations, socio-economic issues and internal dynamics of African countries. Since the pre-colonial through colonial times up to nowadays we have seen enormous changes in African societies that have far-reaching impact on all aspects of daily lives of individuals and societies in Africa. Modern and contemporary history of Africa has witnessed dynamic processes of continuous changes that stand in sharp contrast to public image of Africa as static continent lacking any kind of development.
The 1st CEASC welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines including anthropology, history, political science and international relations, linguistic anthropology, philosophy, ethnography, development studies and sociology.
The Organizers encourage Ph.D. students, scholars and academics from all institutions of higher education and research to send abstracts to: africa.pilsen@gmail.com until February 20th, 2014. On March 1st, 2014, accepted abstracts will be published on conference websites. In December 2014, a collective monograph composed of selected papers will be published. See more at www.africa-pilsen.com or www.ceasn.eu.
Conference fee is 20 EUR (500 CZK) for non-members of CEASN, 10 EUR (250 CZK) for members of CEASN, and 5 EUR (125 CZK) for Ph.D. students and it has to be paid at registration the first day of the conference.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Toyin Falola (University of Austin); Prof. Jon Abbink (African Studies Centre, Leiden)
Organizing committee: Linda Piknerová (Pilsen), Kateřina Rudincová (Pilsen), Judit Bagi (Pécs), Kateřina Werkman (Prague), Joanna Mormul (Krakow), Istvan Tarrosy (Pécs), Maciej Kurcz (Ciesyn), Robert Kłosowicz (Krakow), Monika Baumanová, Jan Záhořík (Pilsen)
Scientific committee: Mamadou Diouf (Columbia University), Marja Tiilikainen (Helsinki), Baz Lecocq (Gent), Itziar Ruiz-Gimenez (Madrid), Geert Castryck (Leipzig), Ahmed Hassen (Addis Ababa)
The 1st CEASC is taking place at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen under the auspices of doc. PhDr. Pavel Vařeka, Ph.D. (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts)

Director/Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Chester – Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Director/Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Chester – Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Fixed Term Contract for 3 Years, £50,186 – £53,233 Per Annum, Ref: HRMS/13019. Applications are invited for the new full-time post of Director/Professor of Islamic Studies. This post is for a creative and ambitious academic leader, with the drive to expand Islamic Studies at Chester. The post will build upon the growing international reputation of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, and will make a significant contribution to the research and internationalisation priorities of the Faculty of Humanities and the University.
To apply, visit: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AHL523/director-professor-of-islamic-studies/

Visiting Assistant Professor position in African and African American Studies (AAAS), with disciplinary foci in Black studies and Black religion, to begin Fall 2014 , Earlham College

Earlham College, a Quaker liberal arts college at Richmond, Indiana, USA, has an opening for a (preliminary) three-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in African and African American Studies (AAAS), with disciplinary foci in Black studies and Black religion, to begin Fall 2014. Areas of competence particularly desired: African American Studies; and one or more of the following: history, ethics, culture, and/or politics of the African American religious experiences; the religions of Africa, the Caribbean and/or the Black Atlantic; African American (including Black Feminist/Womanist) theology and Biblical interpretation; theories and methods in the study of religion. Successful candidates will be eager to teach courses related to the areas stated above. In addition candidates must be enthusiastic about, and committed to, teaching talented, thoughtful undergraduates from multiple perspectives and traditions. PhD or ABD required. To apply, visit https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47488.
Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2013, and continue until the positions are filled.

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Africana and Religious Studies Programs, Africana and Religious Studies Programs, Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas, USA

The Africana Studies and Religious Studies programs at Texas A&M University invite applications for a tenured or tenure-track position at the assistant, associate or full professor rank, to begin September 2014. A Ph.D. in Religious Studies, Africana Studies or a closely related field by August 2014 is essential. Applicants should have teaching and research credentials in one or more of the following areas: Religions of Africa, Religions of the Caribbean, African Religions in North America, Indigenous African Religions and/or Religions of the African Diaspora. Multiple theoretical perspectives are welcome. Teaching and research in Women’s and Gender Studies or Womanist Theology is desirable. Standard teaching load is 2/2. Teaching will include Introduction to Africana Studies, a new course in World Religions, and specialized courses in the area of expertise. Service to the Interdisciplinary Programs in Religious Studies and Africana Studies and research publications are expected.
To apply, visit: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=47506 Closing date: 12/23/2013

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