CfP: Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians July 2019

Call for Papers
Circle of Concerned African Women Theologian 5th Pan-African Conference
The Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Botswana
Gaborone, Botswana
July 2-5, 2019

Conference Theme
Mother Earth and Mother Africa in Theological/Religious/Cultural/Philosophical Imagination
As the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians celebrates thirty years of existence and impressive productivity, the fifth continent wide conference shall be held in Gaborone, Botswana in July 2-5, 2019. Given that the land is often constructed as female gendered and the oppression of women is interlinked with the oppression of the Earth; and given that it is widely acknowledged that we live in the era of global warming – which is humanly induced and of which many have also linked with anthropocentric religious/cultural/theological perspectives — the conference theme calls for research papers that interrogate the link between gender, land, race, class, ethnicity, colonialism, globalization and environmental sustainability. It solicits for papers that reimagine human relationships with the Earth from paradigms of liberation.

Research papers that are using various methods and theories; drawn from diverse religious, cultural, philosophical and theological traditions, are solicited to investigate the intersection of gender, religion and the environment, while analyzing the relationships between women and the land of the past, present and future. Papers that re-read religious/philosophical/cultural texts in the light of Sustainable Development Goals are invited. Researchers may seek to describe, expose, interpret, reinterpret, theorize, reimagine the link between social categories, religion and Earth oppression as well as propose liberating perspectives from traditions and sources of their choice such as African oral cultures, Quran, Bible, African creative works, World Religions, amongst others. Several volumes will be published, following the conference, as it is expected that contributors will receive and integrate constructive feedback from conference participants and through the process of peer reviewing.

Interested researchers are invited to submit abstracts from any one of the following sub-themes:

African Religion/Cultural/Philosophy/Oral Literature and the Earth
• Environmental Imagination in African rituals and taboos
• Oral Literature: Proverbs, folktales, sayings, myths and songs
• African Cosmology and Environmental Sustainability
• African Imagination of Community and Environmental Sustainability
• Botho/Ubuntu, Gender and Environmental Sustainably
• Gender, Religion and Access to Land Ownership
• African Colonial History and the Environment
• Globalization, Global Warming and Gender in Africa
• Sustainable Development Goals, Mother Earth and African Oratures

Biblical Literature and the Earth
• Creation Stories, Gender and Ecological Justice
• Environmental Imagination in the Pentateuch
• Earth constructions in prophetic literature
• Ecological Imagination in Wisdom Literature
• Markan/Lukan/Matthean/Johannine Green Christologies
• Ecological Imagination in Pauline and Deutro -Pauline Literature
• Ecological Imagination in Apocalyptic Literature (Revelation)
• Jesus//Paul, Gender and the Environmental Imagination
• Earth-friendly African Biblical Hermeneutics
• Sustainable Development Goals, Mother Earth and Biblical Texts

Earth and Theological Imaginations
• Salvation Reimagined
• Mission Reimagined
• Incarnation and ecological Justice
• Earth-centered Worship
• Creation-centered Eschatology
• Earth-centered Trinitarian models
• Earth Construction in Christian Hymns
• Creation-centered Theology
• Sustainable Development Goals, Mother Earth & Theological Imagination

World Religions and Environmental Imagination
• Islam, Gender and Construction of the Earth
• Christianity, Gender and Ecology
• Hinduism, Gender and Ecology
• Confucianism, Gender and Ecology
• Colonialism, Globalization, Gender and Earth Care
• Sustainable Development Goals, Mother Earth & World Religions

African Novels and Creative Non-Fiction Writers
• Environmental Imagination among African Women Writers
• Environment Imagination African Male Writers
• Colonialism, Land and Gender in African Creative Writers
• Globalization, Land and Gender in African Creative Writers
• Global Warming, Land and Gender in Creative Non-Fiction
• Sustainable Development Goals, Mother Earth & Creative Writers

Schedule of Production
1. Call for Papers: November 10, 2018
2. Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: March 1, 2019
3. Deadline for Financial Registration June 1, 2019
4. Arrival and Conference Registration Date: July 1, 2019
5. Conference Dates: July 2-4, 2019, University of Botswana
6. Submission of Reviewed Papers: September 1, 2019

Conference Fees and Registration
• Normal Registration: P800.00 ($80usd)
• UB staff member Registration: P600.00 ($60usd)
• Student Registration: P400.00 ($40 usd)

Conference Contact Persons:
Please send your registration fees and 400-word abstract and short bio to:
• Dr Sidney Berman:
• Malebogo Kgalemang:

CfP LUCAS “Creative Africas, Contemporary Africas”

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please find below the call for papers for an African Studies conference taking place at Leeds in April 2019, on the theme “Creative Africas, Contemporary Africas: Methodological and Conceptual Advances in African Studies”. Please do consider submitting paper or panel proposals, and distribute the CfP in your networks!

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University of Leeds

LUCAS Conference 2019

4 – 5 April 2019

Call for Papers

Building on its long history of a multidisciplinary and critical study of African societies, cultures and politics, the Leeds University Centre for African Studies invites proposals for panels and papers with cutting-edge empirical and theoretical research into Africa’s multiple realities, dynamics and meanings. We specifically welcome contributions that probe new methods and concepts from across the social sciences and humanities in order to advance our understanding of Africa as a place and an idea, and the state of African Studies as a field.

How to Apply

Either by submitting an individual proposal (200 words max.), or a proposal for a full panel of four papers (with a panel abstract of 200 words max., and abstracts of the individual papers of 200 words max.).

The deadline for proposals is Friday 30 November 2018

Submit Proposal

Job Post @ U.Virginia: Religious Thought in Africa (TT, OR)


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Open Rank Religious Thought in Africa
As part of a cluster hire for the Democracy Initiative of the College of Arts & Sciences, the Department of Religious Studies invites applications for an open-rank position in Religious Thought in Africa. Open to researchers with expertise in any religious tradition in any part of Africa using any methodological approach, we seek candidates with deep knowledge of a particular region – including its languages, cultures, and histories, and the ability to think broadly and collaboratively about relationships between religious thought and democracy. We invite applications from scholars across the humanities and social sciences, including philosophy, political theory, cultural studies, social thought, anthropology, sociology, or history, as well as both normative and descriptive fields of religious studies.

Anticipated start date is August 2019 and will be made as tenure-track Assistant Professor, tenured Associate Professor, or tenured Full Professor. Applications are therefore welcome from candidates of any rank, with stipulation that applicants must hold a Ph.D. at the time of appointment.

To apply, Complete a Candidate Profile online and attach the following: cover letter, CV, 1 article-length piece of scholarly work, and contact information for 3 references.

Review of applications will begin November 15, 2018 and the position will remain open until filled.
For questions regarding the position, please contact Willis Jenkins, the chair of the search committee,
For questions regarding the application process, please contact, Savanna Galambos, Faculty Search Advisor,
UVA assists faculty spouses and partners seeking employment in the Charlottesville area. To learn more please visit
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The University of Virginia is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Job Posting @ Dartmouth: Asst. Prof., Indigenous Religions of the Americas

This just in from colleagues at Dartmouth:

The Dartmouth College Department of Religion is currently undertaking a search for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in “Indigenous Religions of the Americas, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, or Australia, which may include African diasporic traditions in these regions.” Full details of the position may be found here:

Applications received by October 20th will be considered for AAR interviews, or video conference interviews for those not attending the AAR.

I am contacting you in the hopes of reaching out to qualified candidates who may not be aware of our search. If you know of any such candidates, can you please pass this message along?

We are strongly committed to diversity and inclusion, and have a highly diverse department faculty.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the position.

Thanks very much,

Reiko Ohnuma
Professor and Chair
Department of Religion
Dartmouth College

19th Annual Africa Conference at The University of Texas at Austin – March 29 – 31, 2019


The 2019 Africa Conference will critically examine the highly intricate and contested processes of identity formation and its significance for African societies. Furthermore, the conference will engage with discussions on identities that are intimately linked to notions of African diaspora across the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean. The primary aim of the conference is to reflect on the varying and varied forms of social practices and processes through which identities are constructed, contested, negotiated, and reconfigured in relation to one another. Simultaneously, the conference intends to create an intellectual space for examining the politics of identity that systematically marginalizes, excludes, disempowers, and denudes certain social groups. Beyond the specific emphasis on Africa, the overarching focus of the conference is to engage with different theoretical inflections that have emerged in the existing scholarship on imbricated identities as well as to probe into the ways in which they have been challenged and reformulated within the academia.

See the Call for Papers for further information

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