AASR Bulletin No. 42 (May 2015)

AASR Bulletin 42

AASR Bulletin No. 42 (May 2015) is now available. You can view and download it here: AASR Bulletin 42

For previous issues of the AASR Bulletin, see: https://www.a-asr.org//bulletin/

Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 8 (2017): Pentecostals and the Body, Call for papers


Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 8 (2017): Pentecostals and the Body, Call for papers

Requesting Proposals


The AASR is fortunate to have three panels scheduled at major US conferences this coming November:

– American Academy of Religion in Atlanta, 21-24 November
– Society of Biblical Literature in Atlanta, 21-24 November
– African Studies Association in San Diego, 19-22 November

We are interested in receiving paper proposals or suggestions for a round table or book discussion in order to fill these panels. As well, if any of you has a research project and would like to present a preliminary report, such proposals are also welcome.

As has already been pointed out, most of our papers at the AAR in 2014 focused on theology and we want to be clear that we encourage papers from a social scientific approach to the study of religion.

If you are interested, please submit a brief proposal and abstract of your paper or idea to Esther Acolatse: eacolatse@div.duke.edu.

African Christianity in the West: An Interview with Afe Adogame

Chris Potter, of the Religious Studies Project, Edinburgh University, interviews Afe Adogame about his recent book The African Christian Diaspora: New Currents and Emerging Trends in World Christianity (London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, April 2013, 240 pp., ISBN: 9781441112729 (pbk), £22,99)

Cf. also Emily Stratton’s response to this interview in her ‘African, Christian … Fake?: Explorations in Religious Authenticity’

AASR Bulletin 41


AASR Bulletin No. 41 (November 2014) is now available. You can view and download it here: AASR Bulletin 41

For previous issues of the AASR Bulletin, see: https://www.a-asr.org//bulletin/

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