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AASR e-Journal

Guidelines for Authors

The Editor welcomes submission of articles that make a new contribution to scholarship on African religions and religions of the African diaspora. Contributors include scholars working in Religious Studies and all related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

All articles should be submitted by email to the Editor-in-Chief:

1. The prescribed length for articles submitted for consideration should be between 6,000 and 6,500 words, including footnotes (but excluding the abstract and bibliography). Texts falling outside these limits will normally not be considered.

2. An abstract of 200 words and up to six keywords should precede the main text.

3. A brief author’s biography should accompany the article. Please keep this precise, not more than 5-6 lines.

4. Authors are advised to submit electronic versions of their articles in word document [.doc] files only. Please do not submit in [.docx] files.

5. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be in clear, jargon-free English, without spelling, syntax or punctuation errors. Spelling (British or American) should be consistent throughout.

6. Referencing: The system of referencing should be absolutely consistent throughout. Please use Footnotes only (and not endnotes). Authors should provide a separate Bibliography. For footnote references and bibliographies, The E-journal will follow the Chicago Manual of Style. A useful suggestion for style handbooks is: The Chicago Manual of Style, sixteenth edition. Chicago-London (The University of Chicago Press) 2010.

7. Quotation marks: Single quotation marks (‘… ’) are used to distinguish words, concepts or short phrases under discussion. Direct quotations of fewer than twenty-five words should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“…”) and run on in the text.

8. Larger sections of quoted text (i.e. anything over two lines): set these off from other text by adding a blank line above and below the section, and indent the block of text on the left. These larger sections, or ‘block quotations’, should not be enclosed in quotation marks.

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