JTF funds $18 million for research projects in the scientific study of religion and spirituality in 2018


The John Templeton Foundation will distribute $18 million for research projects in the scientific study of religion and spirituality in 2018. The 2017 deadline for funding inquiries to the John Templeton Foundation is August 31, 2017. JTF will consider funding inquiries for small grants (<$217,400) and for large grants (>$217,400). Note that the next open-submission deadline (for requests of any size) will not be until August 31, 2018. Visit https://www.templeton.org/grants/apply-for-grant to apply.

JTF funds basic and applied science, and gives grants for up to 3 years in duration. There are no constraints on the nationalities or career stage of the principal investigator or project members. The application process begins with an Online Funding Inquiry (essentially a letter of intent), all of which will be reviewed during September 2017. Applicants who are successful at this first stage will be invited to submit a more detailed full proposal. The process includes peer review and is highly competitive: ~95% of proposals considered in the Human Sciences portfolio are rejected at the first stage and ~50% are rejected at the second stage. Learn more about JTF’s mission and grantmaking process at www.templeton.org

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