NASR Conference: 12-15 September 2016




In contemporary society, the issues of religion, family and marriage have received different conceptions and interpretations. These range from the role of religion in marriage and family formation as well as the definitions of the latter. The budding or thriving debates bordering on family conception and size; marriage, conceived from its heterosexual and homosexual union and the place of religions in Africa are not just interesting but more importantly affecting their traditional understanding. Although a lot of debates have been had from Christian and Islamic viewpoints, the African Traditional/Indigenous Religious perspectives have been skewed or lost in cultural argument. In fact, some have argued that there are metaphysical implications of family and marriage within the scope of African Traditional/Indigenous Religion, which align with the eschatological arguments in Christianity and Islam. Other religious perspectives are also visible. All of this also has existential implications on Nigerian (African) societies. This is so because of the criminalisation and decriminalisation of homosexuality/gay/lesbianism and how Africa has become the ground for further contest. Consequently, the Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR) calls for papers that will investigate the issues raised above and other related ones in her 37th Annual Conference.


  1. Conceptual and empirical definitions of marriage and family in Africa
  2. African religious thoughts on traditional marriage and family
  3. African values of extended families, past and present
  4. African religion, Christianity and Islam on nuclear family
  5. Christian perspectives on marriage and family
  6. Islamic perspectives on marriage and family
  7. African cultural perspectives on marriage and family
  8. Modernity, marriage and family in Africa
  9. Homosexuality and African religious thought
  10. Metaphysical implications of homosexual unions in Africa
  11. (Social) change, marriage and family values in Nigeria
  12. African Christianities and homosexuality debates
  13. African Islam and homosexuality debates
  14. The future of marriage and family in Nigeria
  15. Western influences on African/Nigerian family values
  16. Globalisation, migration, religion and family values in Africa
  17. African Diaspora, marriage and family values
  18. Religion, gender, feminism and gay/lesbianism
  19. History of homosexuality in Nigeria
  20. Philosophical debates on marriage, family values and homosexuality
  21. Moral and ethical implications of homosexuality and family values in Nigeria
  22. Sociological understanding of marriage, family and homosexuality in Nigeria
  23. Marriage, family values and human rights in Nigeria
  24. Other related topics

Date: 12th – 15th September, 2016


Venue: Department of Religious Studies, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State.


Keynote Speaker: Professor Afe Adogame (Princeton, USA)

Lead Paper Presenters: Professor A. R. O. Kilani and Professor (Mrs.) Martina Atere


Dr. Benson Ohihon Igboin,  08160220622 General Secretary, NASR

LOC, Secretary Dr. Lateef K. Adeyemo 08035814343

Registration fee: Old members: N12000; New members: N15000; Postgraduate students: N5000.

Skye Bank Account No: 1140071667


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