New AASR Executives Installed, 7th September 2020
On September 7th , 2020, the AASR installed its new executive, most notably including the Association’s first female President. The installation, held over zoom, connected members throughout the globe and included many heartfelt expressions of the meaningful work the Association has done in the past, and steadfast commitments to its work in the future.
Most movingly, Njoki Wane constructed relevant rituals to mark the occasion, including libations, laying on of particular fabrics for each incoming member, and kind words of encouragement. Wane installed Damaris Parsitau as President, Abel Ugba as Vice-President, Nathanael Homewood as General Secretary, and Sara Fretheim as Treasurer. In her new role, Damaris shared an inspiring vision of the Association’s future.
Amidst the excitement, it was also a moment to thank two stalwart members of the Association, without whom the Association would be much the lesser. Long-serving President Elias Bongmba (Handing over Remarks [PDF]) has been indefatigable in his efforts to ensure the Association’s vibrancy. Meanwhile, Corey Williams has filled the role of General Secretary with notable organization and grace. While their leadership will be sorely missed, both pledged to remain active in the Association, a promise that many will undoubtedly hold them to.
As the new executive begins its term, it is also an excellent time for members to recommit and reengage with the Association and its varied goals. The Association is only as strong as its diverse and impressive membership, and there are plenty of opportunities for members to
contribute to, dream with, and strengthen the Association. If you are interested in contributing or becoming a member, please reach out to any of the members of the executive.
Nathanael Homewood