Visiting Assistant Professor position in African and African American Studies (AAAS), with disciplinary foci in Black studies and Black religion, to begin Fall 2014 , Earlham College

Earlham College, a Quaker liberal arts college at Richmond, Indiana, USA, has an opening for a (preliminary) three-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in African and African American Studies (AAAS), with disciplinary foci in Black studies and Black religion, to begin Fall 2014. Areas of competence particularly desired: African American Studies; and one or more of the following: history, ethics, culture, and/or politics of the African American religious experiences; the religions of Africa, the Caribbean and/or the Black Atlantic; African American (including Black Feminist/Womanist) theology and Biblical interpretation; theories and methods in the study of religion. Successful candidates will be eager to teach courses related to the areas stated above. In addition candidates must be enthusiastic about, and committed to, teaching talented, thoughtful undergraduates from multiple perspectives and traditions. PhD or ABD required. To apply, visit
Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2013, and continue until the positions are filled.

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